Saturday, July 01, 2006

Exploring Digital Audio

Having started to develop some expertise with images as a first step to empowerment, we will go further later by making animations, but let's also explore digital audio in a similar manner as we worked with images.

We will start with a simple sound file management application such as Apple's iTunes, which can be downloaded for Windows or Mac, although it is usually bundled with OSX upon purchasing a Mac. In any event, it is a free application and is very handy for ripping tracks from CDs, burning CDs, and converting sound files as needed. It also can serve as a CD player, an mp3 player, as well as connect with Internet Radio, and serve as a store for purchasing selections for a nominal price. Rcently, iTunes also added a Podcast feature for audio and video podcasts.

Here are some projects you can follow to become familiar with the application:

A. Sample a CD by importing into the iTunes library. Simply pop a CD into your CD/DVD drive. iTunes will automatically launch, and you will see an icon for the disk. If you are connected to the Internet, it will automatically connect to a database and retrieve info about tracks, timings, and artists. At this point it serves merely as a CD player. Nothing has been copied to your computer.

Decide what file type you want to use to import the selections: You can change the sound file types under Preferences (Preferences> Advanced> Importing> Import Using) where you can select several file types including:
1. mp3 = compressed file that is the most popular format for the Internet
2. aiff = audio industry file format (CD quality, formerly for Mac but now cross platform)
3. wav= wave files originally for Windows but now cross platform

If you plan to burn CDs, you should use CD quality files. If you wish to post on the Web, then you should convert to mp3s. You must select files you want to import or convert, and then click on Convert under Advanced in the iTunes menu.

B. Take a sound file from a CD and post on a new html page that you create (music.html). Rip a single sound file from a CD and convert it to an Mp3. Upload the file to your audio directory. If the name is not a simple, lowercase filename, use the command Rename to make the file name of the mp3 more manageable.

Use this html code to place the mp3 file on your music page:
<embed src="audio/xxxx.mp3" width="550" height="40" autostart="true" repeat="false">

Select an image that you feel represents your music or enhances the music in some way. Post the image above the sound file and make the image the same width as the music controller.

These projects should help you understand the digital audio files that you will commonly work with and how to post them on your pages.

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